Free Swing Tips
Checkout the latest swing tips and news from Leadbetter SwingAids
This is the secret to better ball striking in golf... The best golfers in the world focus on this move, Why arent you?? It will FIX your Ball Striking Today!!
Get your game off to a good start Your browser does not support our video. The best players in the world...
Driver Set-Up
The setup may not be the most exciting thing in golf… But it sure makes a difference in your swing...
How to Perfect the Takeaway - The Most Important Part of the Swing
I’m often asked, “What’s the most important part of the golf swing?” My answer might surprise you:...
Swing Easy To Hit It Hard
Last Updated: 12/18/24 12:11 PM EDT You’ve heard it before: “Swing easy to hit it hard.” It’s not just a...
Proper Arm Position
As an instructor, I see golfers get their arms into all kinds of odd positions at address. Some pull...
Optimal Ball Position
Are you struggling to hit solid iron shots? It might not be your swing. The problem could be as simple...
Better Mid-Iron Contact
Hitting clean shots with your mid-irons shouldn’t feel this hard. Fat shots. Thin shots. Off-center strikes. It’s frustrating, and it’s...