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How to Perfect the Most Important Part of the Swing

How to Perfect the Most Important Part of the Swing



I’m often asked, “What’s the most important part of the golf swing?”

My answer might surprise you:

The takeaway.

That’s right, I consider the very first move in the swing to be the most crucial of all.

In the video lesson above, I explain what makes the takeaway so important.

You’ll also see how to hone a “hands-in, clubhead” out move, just like the pros.

It definitely helps to use the training aid my assistant, Leadbetter Senior Instructor Santiago Mari, demonstrates in the video.

It’s called the StraightAway, and it makes achieving the perfect takeaway positions quick and easy.

Finally, I’ll tell you how the great Ernie Els starts his swing – and it couldn’t be simpler.

Watch the video, improve your takeaway, and start hitting more solid shots today. 


Get your StraightAway Swing Aid here!

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5 comments on How to Perfect the Most Important Part of the Swing
  • Robert D Andrade
    Robert D Andrade

    Hi David,
    I did purchase a straightaway. I have gone kookalooka trying to implement my take away with no improvements. However, I just watched this video and to my chagrin I have it all wrong. My arms are extended out instead of in. My straightaway came in a black bag with no instructions. Now that I have watched this video, I am anxious to go out and try the straightaway correctly. I will let you know what happens later.
    Thank you,
    Bob Andrade

    April 26, 2024
  • Ed Fitzgerald
    Ed Fitzgerald

    David… I punched a straight away from some time some time ago,since then I have had a major back fusion and a rotator cuff repair so I have not been on the links for some time,however I have noticed a 30.96 dollar charge on my credit card statemant each month from performance is this,what do I get from it.If I don’t relieve anything for this charge pls cancel it and refund past charges to me.PS my wife and myself attended your 5 day golf academy in Lake Nona Fl. That I enjoyed very much. Please let me know what this charge is for. Yours truly Ed. Fitzgerald.

    April 11, 2024
  • Jeff Rachar
    Jeff Rachar

    Such good information.

    December 12, 2023
  • Darryl Gwalter
    Darryl Gwalter

    It would be nice to see a short video on how to set and complete the backswing after fixing the takeaway. We all have built manipulations for poor takeaways.

    December 12, 2023
  • Jesse Trevino B18
    Jesse Trevino B18

    David, I recently purchased two of the straightaways this summer, and implemented this tool, in 35 years of teachings. It is the best tool I’ve ever used to assist my students, in the most important part of teaching, “the take away”. Thank you!!

    December 12, 2023
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