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2 Simple Takeaway Drills for an Efficient Backswing and Downswing

2 Simple Takeaway Drills for an Efficient Backswing and Downswing

Today's traning video features Sean Hogan, Director of Instruction at Golfzon Leadbetter Academy in Orlando.

Sean strongly believes that if you get the early part of the swing on track, everything else becomes much simpler.

He’s also found that using the StraightAway swing aid, which many of you are using to improve your game, is the best tool for teaching students a proper takeaway.

In the video, Sean demonstrates how the StraightAway works – and how to integrate it with two drills to develop an efficient backswing and downswing. 

3 comments on 2 Simple Takeaway Drills for an Efficient Backswing and Downswing
  • Roberto J. Gittens
    Roberto J. Gittens

    I have purchased the unit and now hitting my irons flush, even up to my 4 (215-220). I need to work with it with my driver – so stay tuned. It’s work more than the price of admission !!! RG

    November 02, 2023
  • Mike Crosby
    Mike Crosby

    Until getting the Straightaway I had a lot of confusion on the takeaway. One plane, two plane??? You can forget all that. Practice the two step in this video. Position one then core pivot to the top. Make sure your grip is correct. Great device.

    November 02, 2023
  • Mike

    The straightaway has really helped my game. I am hitting the ball more solidly and straighter. I’m shooting lower scores and even had my first hole in one recently after 50 years of playing golf.

    November 02, 2023
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