Free Swing Tips
Checkout the latest swing tips and news from Leadbetter SwingAids
The Gate Drill
Putting makes or breaks your round. You can crush drives and stick approach shots, but if you’re missing putts,...
8 Driving Range Tips For Golf Practice
When it comes to getting better at golf, the driving range is where it all starts. A solid plan here...
Learn Proper Alignment
For whatever reason, alignment gives a lot of golfers a hard time. There are a handful of...
Leadbetter Swing Aids - Swing Check Mirror
12 Reasons Why Having a Golf Swing Check Mirror On The Driving Range Will Make An Immediate Impact To Your Game ...
Sure Putt Pro - The Ultimate Pocket Caddie Recommended By David Leadbetter
What if you had a device that could read the green for you? It’s like having a seasoned caddie...
How to Harness Ground Force for Consistent Power With The Step Toe
Ever feel like you're swinging as hard as you can, but the ball just doesn’t go as far as it...
Performance Eyewear 40% Off
Here’s why non-polarized sunglasses could improve your game: Uninterrupted View of Digital ScreensPolarized lenses can distort the view of...
Leadbetter: Why hasn’t Rory McIlroy won a major since 2014?
by.David Leadbetter published at GolfWRX Rory McIlroy is arguably one of the most naturally talented players in golf, and I...