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Proper Set-Up and Alignment

Proper Set-Up and Alignment

A recent study showed that 89% of golfers suffer from incorrect positioning with their shoulders, knees and feet... leading to reduced performance.

To aim properly, both your club face AND your body need to be properly aligned to the target. 🎯

In today's video lesson, David Leadbetter will explain how to use your alignment sticks to help you line up correctly every time.
Improving this fundamental is the first step to starting your golf ball on the right line...
And hitting more fairways and greens. 👊


5 comments on Proper Set-Up and Alignment
  • Richard Frost
    Richard Frost

    I want to send this video. How do I do it?

    August 04, 2023
  • Steve Norris
    Steve Norris

    Just to inform you, that you can now purchase the Straight Away here in the UK.
    and Yes it does work!
    Kind regards, Steve Norris.

    August 04, 2023
  • Greg

    I have used David straight away gadget and these alignment techniques and now hitting straighter than I have ever hit. Hitting more greens is awesome!

    August 04, 2023
  • Rob

    Great lesson, why can’t I buy the straight away in the UK.

    August 04, 2023
  • Bob Wright
    Bob Wright

    How many feet left of target do you aim your feet?

    August 04, 2023
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