The StraightAway
Just Clip it and Rip it!!
Developed by a PGA Hall-of-Fame Instructor...
David Leadbetter’s StraightAway Swing Aid
Automatically Puts You In the “TOUR Takeaway Position,” Fixes at Least 10 Common Swing Faults and Dramatically Reduces 8 Score-Killing Shots
Finally, there's a quick and easy way to fix any takeaway flaw and improve YOUR swing
“In all my years of teaching, I have never seen more improvement in golf swings than when players start using the StraightAway Swing Aid.”
– Hall-of-Fame Instructor David Leadbetter
How much do you know about the takeaway?
You surely know it’s the very first part of the swing.
You’re probably familiar with the idea of “maintaining the triangle” formed by the arms, hands and shoulders.
You might even have a feel for where the club head should be looking during your takeaway.
That’s all good.
But do you know how important – how absolutely critical – the takeaway is to the rest of the swing?
Are you aware that those first few inches of your swing strongly
affect the way you strike the ball?
Or that with a good takeaway, everything else falls naturally into place?
All Great Coaches & Players, Regardless Of Their Teaching Or Playing Philosophy, Agree...
The Takeaway Is One Of The Most Important Moves In The Swing
“The takeaway sets up the proper sequence for the entire swing, links up the arms and body, and determines the proper path for the hands and club to travel on.”
- David Leadbetter
Hard to believe that this short, slow segment of the swing – where the butt of the club moves about 8 inches while the clubhead travels a maximum of 3 feet – can have such a huge impact on the quality of your shots.
But it does.
So says David Leadbetter – renowned coach to 23 winners of major championships, seven world No. 1s and many more of the game’s very best players.
He’s also written eight golf instruction books, which have sold more than 1 million copies, and personally taught thousands of amateurs in his Hall-of-Fame career.
To say David Leadbetter knows the golf swing is like saying Einstein had a solid grasp on physics.
So when Leadbetter calls an improper takeaway “the biggest flaw in golf,” you better believe it’s true. '
“Most golfers think about the top of the backswing, impact and follow through,” Leadbetter says. “But unless you get off to the correct start, working on these other positions is a no-win situation.”
It makes sense, right?
After all, you can’t build a solid house with a weak foundation.
Likewise, an improper takeaway causes all kinds of common swing faults. The short list includes:
❌ Poor backswing turn
❌ Overswinging
❌ Over-the-top starting down
❌ Early release into impact
❌ “Chicken wing” follow-through
A range of poor shots also start – you guessed it – at the very beginning. Frustrating misses like:
❌ Slices
❌ Hooks
❌ Fat shots
❌ Thin shots
❌ Shanks
❌ General poor contact
Yet the takeaway is largely overlooked when it comes to golf instruction and training aids.
Well, not anymore.
David Leadbetter is on the case.
Not only has he kept a laundry list of takeaway errors made by poor and inconsistent strikers, he’s broken down the swings of tour pros and good ball strikers, synthesizing them into what he calls, quite simply…
The Tour Takeaway Position
Good Player Takeaway vs. Common Takeaway
Check Out These Comments From the Best Players in the World on the Importance of the Takeaway...
To help recreational golfers like you learn, feel and groove an absolutely perfect move away from the ball…
Leadbetter devised a tool…
A swing aid that fits easily onto any club…
And can be used anywhere, while hitting balls or just making practice swings.
In short order, and with a little regular use, this ingenious aid will significantly improve your power, your accuracy and most importantly, your consistency.
Introducing The StraightAway Swing Aid
Finally, there’s a quick and easy way to fix literally any takeaway flaw – and improve your entire swing.
If you’ve neglected this key fundamental, well, you’ve got lots of company.
You had a legitimate excuse, too, given the lack of available tools for the job.
The StraightAway Swing Aid changes all that.
You’ll feel a difference as soon as you start using it. And before long, you’ll be:
✅ Driving the ball farther… and straighter
✅ Puring your iron shots with lethal accuracy
✅ Chipping and pitching with greater control (yep, the StraightAway works for the short game, too)
✅ Enjoying the kind of hole-to-hole and round-to-round consistency all golfers crave
✅ Shooting lower scores and beating your buddies
Amazing what a solid takeaway can do for your game.
Here’s the thing…
While the takeaway happens in a small window, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that can go wrong.
For example, you can yank the club back too far inside, which forces you to compensate by coming over the top on the downswing – and creating a massive slice.
You can fan the clubface wide open or strangle it shut… snatch the club upward too abruptly… let your elbows separate instead of keeping them close together…
You might fail to engage your “big muscles” (the hips, torso and shoulders), leaving your arms to do all the heavy lifting – which drains your power down to nothing.
The list goes on and on.
So do the disastrous results.
Leadbetter has seen it all, and then some.
And he designed the simple, easy-to-use StraightAway to address nearly every swing fault.
“Using the StraightAway regularly as a check, visually and kinesthetically, produces a motion that is repetitive, consistent and instinctive, boosting a player’s confidence when they are out on the course.”
-David Leadbetter
What is the Tour Takeaway Position?
The simplest way to think of it is with this phrase:
“Hands in, clubhead out.”
And here’s what it looks like:
Now, you might expect someone like Leadbetter, who’s coached so many world-class players, to regularly teach amateurs to copy swings of pros.
Actually, that’s not the case. “There are just too many variables,” he explains, before adding, “EXCEPT in one area – the takeaway.”
“Copy the takeaway move of the top players,” Leadbetter says, “and watch the improvement in your ball-striking.”
The best way to do that?
With the StraightAway Swing Aid.
Get yours today – and make the first move to your best golf ever.
"The StraightAway can really improve the quality of golf amongst the masses."
-David Leadbetter
See How It Works
Features & Benefits
✅ Clips onto any club in seconds
✅ Measures just 4 inches long and weighs only 2.4 ounces, so it fits inside a carry pouch for easy storage
✅ Works practically anywhere – home, office, range – while hitting shots or making practice swings
✅ Provides automatic feedback if you’re in the “Tour Tour Takeaway Position”or if something is off
✅ Gets your backswing on track, right from the start – the key to a consistent, repeatable swing
✅ Keeps your arms and body working in unison, creating good tempo
✅ Promotes the ability to focus on a full coiling of the torso for maximum power
✅ Ensures your swing starts with the clubface square, not open or closed
✅ Eliminates the need to compensate later in the swing for a poor takeaway
✅ Improves your chipping, pitch shots and putting
✅ Works for both right- and left-handed golfers
✅ Benefits players of all ages, handicaps and skill levels, including women, seniors and juniors
Use The StraightAway with EVERY Club in Your Bag
“I know if golfers try the StraightAway they will see huge benefits, not only from a clear understanding of what they have to do, but also fixing the most destructive move in golf, a bad takeaway, and developing what all golfers are seeking – consistency.”
-David Leadbetter
The StraightAway Swing Aid fixes 10 major swing flaws:
Rolling the club inside
Picking the club up too quickly
Loss of extension
Lack of backswing coil
Over-the-top downswing
Early release
“Chicken wing” through impact
Loss of acceleration
“Flippy” hands
30% OFF
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We back our training aids with a rock-solid 30-day guarantee.
Your StraightAway Swing Aid must provide the superior performance and the experience you’re expecting, or we’ll give you a prompt and full refund (shipping not included).
We are proud to say that our customers truly “fall in love” with their StraightAway but if you’re not totally happy, contact us and we will send you the simple return instructions.
Real Reviews From Real Golfers
Matias, 0.9 Handicap
Scott, 15.1 Handicap
See What Pro Golfers & Coaches Are Saying...
"The first move in the swing, the correct takeaway, is crucial for consistent golf and fixing your faults. It's the major reason for poor golf that I see when playing in pro-ams. The StraightAway will immediately show you how to make the perfect takeaway. It's the start to great golf."
Nick Price - Former World #1 and 3-Time Major Champion
"The hidden gem of the StraightAway lies in the toughest shots in golf - the partial wedges! The partial wedge is a tough shot for players of all levels requiring a square face/on-plane takeaway because there is no time to fix things on the downswing.
Place the StraightAway on the wedge and watch these shots have better contact, more consistent trajectory and better accuracy. I do this with my students from Tour players to everyday golfers. The StraightAway is making me look smarter and my players happier!"
Joe Hallett, PGA Master Professional, Golf Digest Top 50 Instructor
"The StraightAway has been a very beneficial addition to my practice routine. The takeaway is a key ingredient to a consistent backswing and it provides me with a visual cue that gets me set into aperfect position every time."
Stuart Macdonald - PGA Tour professional Golfer, Korn Ferry Tour
"I love the StraightAway. It provides a very simple, non-technical swing thought as a placeholder so you don't focus on the negatives - like hitting it in the water or missing the cut. I give it to some of the teaching pros I work with to recommend to their students."
Dr. Michael Lardon - PGA Tour Mental Coach & Author of Mastering Golf's Mental Game
"I really think you are on to something big with this StraightAway, David. I've been using it and fine tuning ways to get the message across...the results are amazing."
Kevyn Cunningham - PGA, Director of Golf, Half Moon Resort Jamaica
Meet the Inventor
David Leadbetter
Considered the father of modern golf coaching by his peers, David Leadbetter is a PGA Teachers Hall of Fame member, the 2017 PGA Teacher of the Year, founder of 35 global Leadbetter Golf Academies and a regular contributor to Golf Digest.
His clientele includes the winners of 23 major championships, seven world No. 1-ranked players, and many more of the world’s very best and most famous golfers.
David has also nurtured the careers of dozens of golf instructors who have earned widespread acclaim.
While he’s best known for coaching legends like Nick Faldo and Nick Price, the vast majority of Leadbetter’s students have been amateur golfers. He’s given tens of thousands of lessons since offering his very first at age 17, and helped countless golfers through his writing and media appearances.
David’s eight books have sold more than 1 million copies, making him one of the best-selling golf instruction authors in the world.
He’s also produced a number of instructional videos, DVDs, an interactive video game, and other mixed media, and developed training aids dedicated to helping people play better golf.
He believes the StraightAway Swing Aid is his best yet.
Message From David
I have been very fortunate to have had a successful coaching career in this wonderful game of golf. The places I have visited, the people who I have met, including my wife Kelly, are all down to golf.
My children are all involved in the game, so it has literally given me everything. The 7-world number one players I have coached and 23 majors that players have won have been very satisfying but just as satisfying have been the thousands of amateurs I have been able to help over the years through books, videos, magazines, training aids and golf academies.
I would like my legacy to be that I helped golfers of all ability levels improve, and really enjoy the game. When I am not working with Tour Players, I am putting my time and effort into continuing to help the masses around the world to improve. That’s why I’m so excited about my latest swing aid, a true game changer - called the StraightAway.
5% of the profits are going to go towards Junior Golf - one of my passionate causes, which will help to keep the game of golf growing into the future. Joining the StraightAway revolution will not only do wonders for your game, but also help grow and develop the next generation become great golfers and well-rounded individuals.
Frequently Asked Questions
The StraightAway is a self-help tool that fixes your takeaway – the number one problem in golf leading to so many other faults and inconsistency.
Clip it on your club and you will understand the track that the clubhead and the hands travel on right from the start to create a perfect Tour Takeaway and a simple repeating swing.
The benefits are many, including swinging the club back on the correct path, getting your body synced up with your arms, and creating the ideal tempo.
By practicing with the StraightAway, just by making swings at home or hitting balls on the range you will understand in a matter of minutes of how to produce a consistent swing. We have included some enhancement drills so you can really benefit from the StraightAway.
It is the first link in the chain. If it is wrong, you are compensating from thereon in. It’s basically the one common move that the pros make regardless of how the rest of their swing looks – the hands appear in the club head appears out.
Yes, the StraightAway works equally well for players of all levels, no matter your skill level or handicap.
As I’ve said, it’s the ONE MOVE that amateurs should copy from the pros.
This is because players of every level benefit from dialing in a Tour Takeaway, starting the swing ON TRACK... which ensures you finish the swing on track and make consistently flush contact.
It’s not a complicated move, it doesn’t require pro-level timing, hand-eye coordination, balance, or strength.
However, the difference between a perfect takeaway and a flawed one can be subtle.
The beauty of the StraightAway is that it helps players of all levels fix this automatically, regardless of their skill level.
Because It gives you instant visual feedback… whether you’re doing it right or wrong.
You bet it can!
The StraightAway synchronizes your arms, hands and shoulders with your hips – right from the start.
If you currently struggle to make a full turn, or to sync up your upper and lower bodies, the StraightAway will improve your rotation and boost your distance.
OK, I hope I’ve convinced you that the StraightAway Swing Trainer is just what you need to get your game on track.
Having taught this game for nearly 50 years, it pains me to say this but… no.
Don’t get me wrong. Paying for lessons is never a bad thing.
But using the StraightAway is guaranteed to improve your game – and you can use it any time, practically anywhere, without even hitting balls.
One more thing: The StraightAway costs about the same as an hour with a good coach. And I’m pretty sure that over time, you’ll get more value from the StraightAway.
It may “feel” that way, especially if you have been whipping it inside. In fact the clubhead should move a little inside the target line, the hands move slightly inward, but the key is that the clubhead remains outside the line of the hands. *Illustration from above
Players who roll the club inside and open the clubface it may well “feel” that way.
When you think that to cure a slice you have to fix the outside in swing with an open face. If you take the club back exaggeratedly inside on the backswing then naturally you will swing out to in on the downswing. The StraightAway will get you swinging the club back on a proper plane with a square clubface, that will allow you to drop the club on the inside coming down, thus producing inside out swing and encouraging a draw.
Good question – most times poor body motion is caused as a result of the hands and arms taking the club away and dominating the backswing. Working on a simple pivot drill that is provided, combined with starting the backswing correctly using the StraightAway will fix most problems associated with the body motion (hip and shoulder).
By using the StraightAway it will make your swing more efficient by synchronizing the arms and the body, eliminating any looseness or coil in the backswing and get you hitting the ball out of the middle of the clubface – a key factor in distance. In our testing we have seen a huge improvement in consistency and the quality of iron play.
Without a doubt, once you start your swing back with your bellybutton and your hands and arms are tied into that move, your tempo will improve. Players who snatch the club back or jerk the club down from the top is because the hands and arms are too involved. Get the club into the correct takeaway position which is where the yellow StraightAway arrow points at 9 o’clock, your swing tempo will be correct – neither too quick or too slow.
The StraightAway works with every club from the driver to a chipping club. The hands in clubhead out concept, the theory that the pros adhere to and amateurs don’t holds true for every club. The very short shot is just a mini version of the full swing.
Getting the image more in front of you coming into impact is what is required. The StraightAway will give you the perfect picture.
Apart from the start, most poor moves and positions that occur in the swing are the effect and not the cause. If you get to the cause of the problem, then the effect will likely be cured. The chicken wing is no exception, rolling the club inside going back creating a steep outside in path coming down creates the problem. Get off to a good start and it will fix the chicken wing and many other problems we see in the swing.
As often as you like to make sure you don’t get off track and your tour takeaway becomes instinctive. Make practice swings at home, hit balls on the range with any club. Before you know it you will have your takeaway in a solid groove and then it’s just a case of checking it periodically.
Absolutely, for most golfers the takeaway is singularly the biggest fault in their swings. The StraightAway will help you understand exactly what you have to do. It’s good for beginners, men, women, seniors, juniors, even top players who have trouble with their first move or want to confirm what they are doing is right.
If your takeaway has been incorrect then it will definitely feel different. A solid setup and good takeaway is fundamental to a good swing. If you follow simple guidelines, even if it feels different you will know it’s correct and through repetition and hitting good shots your new feels will start to become natural.
Once you get to 9 o'clock, which is less than a foot with top or butt end of the club and a maximum of 3 feet with the club head, simply allow your wrist to cock and keep your body rotating to the top and then unwind your body to the finish. Keeping the feeling of the hands in and clubhead out is a great feeling to the top even beyond the 9 o’clock position.
I have always prided myself on teaching solid fundamentals to improve a golfers game. The correct start to me is one of those fundamentals that make a huge difference to a golfer’s consistency. I have brought out a number of swing aids and developed many drills over the years in order to help golfers get a feel for the proper mechanics, so they can do it not only in practice but on the golf course as well. Over thinking is a huge problem for many golfers, and apart from the start which is easy to focus on there is not a lot of thinking necessary. By using the StraightAway you get an understanding for the takeaway, a mental picture of it and a feel for it, and with a few reps you will have it down. The StraightAway is so simple, I just do not know why I did not think of it before! I think it is going to be a real game changer for thousands.
Included with the StraightAway instructions are bonus drills on how to get your posture right and how to move your body correctly. Incorporate them with the StraightAway and you will fix your problems.
It certainly will as long as you have a good grip, and as a bit of bonus instruction I will show you the correct way to grip the club. With a good grip and a perfect start, your overswing and casting will disappear.
A couple of ways to check if you have a takeaway problem, you can get someone to film you on your phone, if you see the club head is behind your hands early in the backswing then you have the problem. Also, refer to our takeaway problem tab to see the basic eight takeaway faults that golfers commit. Compare your takeaway to the correct one described in the tab. The second way is by clipping the StraightAway on your club and getting into the Tour Takeaway position. Hit a few balls starting from this position, it may take a few shots to get used to but if you start hitting your shots consistently you know that your takeaway was the problem.
If you don’t like the StraightAway for any reason, you have a 30 day money back guarantee. Just mail the StraightAway back and we will refund the full purchase price – no questions asked.
Phone: (239) 409-1769
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