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David Leadbetter's Pure Grip
3 comments on David Leadbetter's Pure Grip
  • robert La Bree
    robert La Bree

    good video I noticed my hands move during the swing because I am not really sure where they should be at impact, your video gives me something I need to work on, right now my swing is all feel but I need more consistency at contact and knowing where my hands should be should help me. Robert.

    August 14, 2023
  • Dallas Chartres
    Dallas Chartres

    Loved the grip video. Essential to a good takeaway

    August 10, 2023
  • Andrew Roberts
    Andrew Roberts

    The only contact you have with the club! It’s essential to have a good grip and to continually check it for good form. Great video👍

    August 10, 2023
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