Today I’ve got a video for you that should improve your turn, both back and through.
I call the turn (aka the coil or pivot) the lifeblood of the swing.
Why? Because that’s where all your energy comes from. 💪
In the video, you’ll see a simple drill that will boost your power while increasing your flexibility.
You’ll also learn the No. 1 key to making a good, full backswing turn.
Do this drill regularly, at home or the course, and you’ll start turning more naturally – and hitting longer, more solid shots – very soon. 👍
Good stuff
Fantastic video…..
“Turn to the Top” Properly the most misinterpreted advice in golf!
Great explanation from David, along with a fantastic drill to practice the correct motion.
I like the movement .I have one question. I saw that she did not lift her left heal on her complete turn . Should a person try to achieve this without lifting left heal or is it ok to lift heal ?
Can’t wait to use this as a warm-up drill before my next round. . Should help to stretch out those back muscles. It’s also going to help my flatter plane golf turn. Thanks!!!