David Leadbetter’s StraightAway Swing Trainer
Automatically Puts You In the “TOUR Takeaway Position,” Fixes Common Swing Faults and Dramatically Reduces Score-Killing Shots
“In all my years of teaching, I have never seen more improvement in golf swings than when players start using the StraightAway Swing Trainer.”
– Hall-of-Fame Instructor David Leadbetter
How much do you know about the takeaway?
You surely know it’s the very first part of the swing.
You’re probably familiar with the idea of “maintaining the triangle” formed by the arms, hands and shoulders.
You might even have a feel for where the club’s toe should point at the end of the takeaway.
That’s all good.
But do you know how important – how absolutely critical – the takeaway is to the rest of the swing?
Are you aware that a slight miscue in those first few inches can have disastrous results when you strike the ball?
Or that when you get the takeaway right, everything else falls naturally into place?
“The takeaway sets up the proper sequence of motion for the whole swing, links up the arm and body motion and determines the proper path for the hands and club to travel on.”
- David Leadbetter
Hard to believe that this small, slow segment of the swing – where the butt of the club moves about 12 inches while the clubhead travels maybe 3 feet – can have such a huge impact on the quality of your shots.
But it does.
So says David Leadbetter – renowned coach to an astounding 26 major champions, seven world No. 1s and many more of the game’s very best players.
He’s also written seven golf instruction books, which have sold more than 2.5 million copies, and personally taught thousands of amateurs in his Hall-of-Fame career.
To say David Leadbetter knows the golf swing is like saying Einstein had a solid grasp on physics.
So when Leadbetter calls an improper takeaway “the biggest flaw in golf,” you better believe it’s true. '
“Most golfers think about the top of the backswing, impact and follow through,” Leadbetter says. “But unless you get off to the correct start, working on these other positions is a no-win situation.”
It makes sense, right?
After all, you can’t build a solid house with a weak foundation.
Likewise, an improper takeaway causes all kinds of common swing faults. The short list includes:
❌ Poor backswing turn
❌ Over-the-top club path
❌ Early release into impact
❌ “Chicken wing” follow-through
❌ Overswinging
A range of awful shots also start – you guessed it – at the very beginning. Frustrating misses like:
❌ Slices
❌ Hooks
❌ Fat shots
❌ Thin shots
❌ Shanks
Yet the takeaway is largely overlooked when it comes to golf instruction. And training aids.
Well, not anymore.
David Leadbetter is on the case.
Not only has he kept a laundry list of takeaway errors made by amateurs, he’s broken down the positions of tour pros and synthesized them into what he calls, quite simply…
But he didn’t stop there.
To help recreational golfers like you learn, feel and groove an absolutely perfect move away from the ball…
Leadbetter devised a tool…
A training aid that fits easily onto any club…
And can be used anywhere, while hitting balls or just making practice swings.
In short order, and with a little regular use, this ingenious aid will significantly improve your power, your accuracy and your
Finally, there’s a quick and easy way to fix literally any takeaway flaw – and improve your entire swing.
If you’ve neglected this key fundamental, well, you’ve got lots of company.
You had a legitimate excuse, too, given the lack of available tools for the job.
The StraightAway Swing Trainer changes all that.
You’ll feel a difference as soon as you start using it. And before long, you’ll be:
✅ Driving the ball farther… and straighter
✅ Puring your iron shots with lethal accuracy
✅ Chipping and pitching with greater control (yep, the StraightAway works for the short game, too)
✅ Enjoying the kind of hole-to-hole and round-to-round consistency all golfers crave
✅ Shooting lower scores and beating your buddies
Amazing what a solid takeaway can do for your game.
Here’s the thing…
While the takeaway happens in a small window, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that can go wrong.
You can yank the club back too far inside, which forces you to compensate by coming over the top on the downswing – and creating a massive slice.
You might fail to engage your “big muscles” (the hips, torso and shoulders), leaving your arms to do all the heavy lifting – which drains your power down to nothing.
You can fan the clubface wide open or strangle it shut… snatch the club upward too abruptly… let your elbows separate instead of keeping them close together…
The list goes on and on.
So do the disastrous results.
Leadbetter has seen it all, and then some.
And he designed the simple, easy-to-use StraightAway to address every single one.
“Using the StraightAway regularly as a check, visually and kinesthetically, produces a motion that is repetitive, consistent and instinctive, boosting a player’s confidence when they are out on the course.”
-David Leadbetter
What is the TOUR Takeaway Position?
The simplest way to think of it is with this phrase:
“Hands in, clubhead out.”
And here’s what it looks like:
Now, you might expect someone like Leadbetter, who’s coached so many world-class players, to regularly teach amateurs to copy swings of pros.
Actually, that’s not the case. “There are just too many variables,” he explains, before adding, “EXCEPT in one area – the takeaway.”
“Copy the takeaway move of the top players,” Leadbetter says, “and watch the improvement in your ball-striking.”
The best way to do that?
With the StraightAway Swing Trainer.
Get yours today – and make the first move to your best golf ever.
Features & Benefits
The StraightAway Swing Trainer is the best tool for honing a foolproof takeaway – and building a swing that’s efficient, powerful and consistent. Unique among the thousands of training aids on the market, the StraightAway:
✔️ Clips onto any club in seconds
✔️ Fits inside your golf bag for easy storage and transport
✔️ Works practically anywhere – home, office, range – while hitting shots or making practice swings
✔️ Automatically tells you if you’re in the “TOUR Takeaway Position” (TTP) or if something is off
✔️ Gets your backswing on plane, right from the start – the key to a consistent, repeatable swing
✔️ Keeps your arms and body properly “connected” and working in unison
✔️ Promotes a full turn with the hips, shoulders and torso for increased power
✔️ Ensures your swing starts with the clubface square, not open or closed
✔️ Eliminates the need to compensate later in the swing for a poor takeaway
✔️ Improves your chipping and pitch shots
Use The StraightAway with EVERY Club in Your Bag
“I know if golfers try the StraightAway they will see huge benefits, not only from a clear understanding of what they have to do, but also fixing the most destructive move in golf and developing what all golfers are seeking – consistency.”
-David Leadbetter
The StraightAway Swing Trainer fixes 10 major swing flaws:
Rolling the club inside
Picking the club up too quickly
Loss of extension
Over-the-top downswing
Lack of backswing turn
Early release
“Chicken wing” through impact
Loss of acceleration
“Flippy” hands
And 8 major misses:
Duck hooks
Fat shots
Thin shots
Off-center contact
Pushes and pulls
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We back our training aids with a rock-solid 30-day guarantee.
Your StraightAway Swing Trainer must provide the superior performance and the experience you’re expecting, or we’ll give you a prompt and full refund (shipping not included).
We are proud to say that our customers truly “fall in love” with their StraightAway but if you’re not totally happy, contact us and we will send you the simple return instructions.
"I started practicing with the StraightAway on the range and noticed an immediate improvement in my ball-striking and consistency. The following week, I captured my 2nd professional victory on the Ladies European Tour. I can't say enough about this training aid."
Pauline Bouchard - Former World #1 Amateur, 2-time Winner on the Ladies European Tour
"I started practicing with the StraightAway on the range and noticed an immediate improvement in my ball-striking and consistency. The following week, I captured my 2nd professional victory on the Ladies European Tour. I can't say enough about this training aid."
Pauline Bouchard - Former World #1 Amateur, 2-time Winner on the Ladies European Tour
"I started practicing with the StraightAway on the range and noticed an immediate improvement in my ball-striking and consistency. The following week, I captured my 2nd professional victory on the Ladies European Tour. I can't say enough about this training aid."
Pauline Bouchard - Former World #1 Amateur, 2-time Winner on the Ladies European Tour
David Leadbetter is regarded by many as the world’s premier golf instructor, 2017 PGA Teacher of the Year, PGA Hall of Fame Professional and a regular contributor to the Golf Channel.
His clientele includes 26 major champions; seven world number ones and many more of the world’s very best and most famous golfers.
He is also the author of seven golf instruction books, including recent best seller, The A Swing, making him the world’s top author of golf instruction books with more than 2.5m copies sold.
David continues to mentor and teach many Tour players including Patrick Reed, Rafa Cabrera-Bello, Charl Schwartzel, Michelle Wie, Maria Fassi, Caroline Masson and Jodi Ewart-Shadoff.
Trust me: If you tend to slice your drives, chunk or blade your irons, or fail to make consistently pure contact…
Then your takeaway needs work.
A poor takeaway is the biggest flaw in golf – hands down.
Likewise, a sound takeaway makes the rest of the swing a snap. Use the StraightAway to master this short but critical section and watch your scores plummet.
Yes, the StraightAway works equally well for players of all levels, no matter your skill level or handicap.
As I’ve said, it’s the ONE MOVE that amateurs should copy from the pros.
This is because players of every level benefit from dialing in a Tour Takeaway, starting the swing ON TRACK... which ensures you finish the swing on track and make consistently flush contact.
It’s not a complicated move, it doesn’t require pro-level timing, hand-eye coordination, balance, or strength.
However, the difference between a perfect takeaway and a flawed one can be subtle.
The beauty of the StraightAway is that it helps players of all levels fix this automatically, regardless of their skill level.
Because It gives you instant visual feedback… whether you’re doing it right or wrong.
You bet it can!
The StraightAway synchronizes your arms, hands and shoulders with your hips – right from the start.
If you currently struggle to make a full turn, or to sync up your upper and lower bodies, the StraightAway will improve your rotation and boost your distance.
OK, I hope I’ve convinced you that the StraightAway Swing Trainer is just what you need to get your game on track.
The StraightAway fits onto ANY club — and works the same for righties and lefties.
That means, you can use the StraightAway to dial in your irons, woods, and even your putting!
There’s no limit to the possibilities when you dial in TOUR Takeaway and swing on rails, from start to finish.
Having taught this game for nearly 50 years, it pains me to say this but… no.
Don’t get me wrong. Paying for lessons is never a bad thing.
But using the StraightAway is guaranteed to improve your game – and you can use it any time, practically anywhere, without even hitting balls.
One more thing: The StraightAway costs about the same as an hour with a good coach. And I’m pretty sure that over time, you’ll get more value from the StraightAway.
If the StraightAway doesn’t work for you...
You’re covered by our 30-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee...
Which includes a no-questions-asked, unconditional refund policy.
If you're not completely thrilled with the way The Straight Away transforms your first move...
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next 30 Days to support@straightawaygolf.com
And our customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it...
So we can issue you a 100% refund.