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Sean Hogan's Slice Fix Drill
14 comments on Sean Hogan's Slice Fix Drill
  • Ben Pfister
    Ben Pfister

    I will try that next time I’m at the driving range. Took some of the tips from Mr Leadbeater and was amazed at how well it went. But I started to slip and got off tracks . Will keep trying.

    July 16, 2023
  • Mike Andrews
    Mike Andrews

    Very simple training aid Thanks for sharing

    July 16, 2023
  • Gregg Truex
    Gregg Truex

    Any good suggestions to fix an over the top swing? This looks like a good one abd I’ll definitely being doing this one a lot!

    July 16, 2023
  • John Zink
    John Zink

    Great visual drill.

    July 16, 2023
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